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Microsoft 365 Training Services, Articles & Videos
Stay updated with my blog, covering Microsoft 365 services, business applications, and training. These articles provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you enhance your business processes and leverage Microsoft technologies effectively.
Andres Biarge
Career advice from a Spaniard computer engineer who ended working with Microsoft tech
This video is more on the personal side. I want to share with you a little bit about my beginnings and how I ended up working with Microsoft tech.
Also, I want to share some advice I would have appreciated back when I started my career. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’d listened... But just maybe, you may find the advice useful.
If you want to talk to me 1:1, contact me directly at:
#microsoft #governance #powerplatform #dataverse #powerapps #powerautomate #sharepoint #sharepointonline
Career advice from a Spaniard computer engineer who ended working with Microsoft tech
This video is more on the personal side. I want to share with you a little bit about my beginnings and how I ended up working with Microsoft tech.
Also, I want to share some advice I would have appreciated back when I started my career. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’d listened... But just maybe, you may find the advice useful.
If you want to talk to me 1:1, contact me directly at:
00:00 – My experience
00:21 – Work on personal projects
02:05 – Jump between jobs
06:04 – Work in a multinational company
#microsoft #governance #powerplatform #dataverse #powerapps #powerautomate #sharepoint #sharepointonline
Consejos de carrera de un ingeniero informático español
Quiero contarte un poco sobre cómo he llegado a enfocar mi carrera profesional en el mundo Microsoft.
Durante el vídeo te cuento algunos consejos que le hubiera dado a mi yo del pasado. No sé si yo mismo me hubiera escuchado, pero si estás empezando tu carrera, creo que te puede interesar.
Si quieres ponerte en contacto directamente conmigo, accede a este link:
#microsoft #governance #powerplatform #dataverse #powerapps #powerautomate #sharepoint #sharepointonline
Consejos de carrera de un ingeniero informático español
Este vídeo es más personal y quiero contarte un poco sobre cómo he llegado a enfocar mi carrera profesional en el mundo Microsoft.
Durante el vídeo te cuento algunos consejos que le hubiera dado a mi yo del pasado. No sé si yo mismo me hubiera escuchado, pero si estás empezando tu carrera, creo que te puede interesar.
Si quieres ponerte en contacto directamente conmigo, accede a este link:
00:00 – Mi recorrido
01:21 – Haz proyectos y documéntalos
01:57 – Trabaja al mismo tiempo que estudias
03:52 – Cambia de trabajo al principio
07:21 – Trabaja a una multinacional
08:48 – No te agobies
09:30 – Dedicación a fondo
#microsoft #governance #powerplatform #dataverse #powerapps #powerautomate #sharepoint #sharepointonline
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